At Mommy and Me you will experience the best 3D and 4D ultrasound. Call now to know about ultrasound packages and baby ultrasound scan for a happy pregnancy

What to expect from the baby ultrasound scan

Regarded as the most beautiful period in a woman’s life, pregnancy is a journey with a mix of emotions. From the time of conceiving the baby to the birth, moms-to-be go through several ups and downs. Despite being a rollercoaster ride, the feeling of bringing a new life into the world is like no other. Throughout the pregnancy, a woman goes through a baby ultrasound scan to monitor the development of her baby. These ultrasound scans spill out exciting details about the baby as well.

This blog post sheds light upon different types of pregnancy scans and the revelations that come along.

The First Scan
The inaugural baby ultrasound scan takes place between the 8th and 14th weeks of pregnancy, but generally in the 12th week. It is also called the dating scan as it gives more accurate details about the date of delivery. In addition, the scan also shows how the baby is growing inside the womb. The sonographer checks the heartbeat of the baby. Parents can also experience this emotional moment by listening to their baby’s heartbeat during the ultrasound scan.

The position of the umbilical cord and any issues with the skull or abdominal wall could also be detected during this scan. Parents may feel anxious as well as excited during the first ultrasound scan.

Down Syndrome Screening
During the dating scan, parents can opt for a combined test that could detect Down’s Syndrome in the baby. It is completely up to parents’ whether to avail the test along with the dating scan.

If you agree to take the test, a blood sample will be taken and examined. Nuchal translucency of the blood sample will be measured i.e. the thickness of fluid in the back of the baby’s neck. Babies with abnormalities tend to have more fluid.

The test results combined with the mother’s age provide important information about the risk factors with the baby having Down’s Syndrome. Apparently, older women are at higher risk.

Two other extremely rare yet severe conditions, Edward’s and Patau’s are also examined in the tests.

Contact Mommy and Me, the best ultrasound clinic in San Diego.